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High school classes are year-long for 32 weeks, a one-hour-long live interactive real-time teaching lecture two days a week, and help, if needed during the week, with a qualified teacher.  

Tuition for high school classes is $600 until the first day of class.  

A discount of $50.00 if paid in full by May 31st.

(This price includes pre-algebra to Algebra 2)**


4th and 5th-grade math classes are year-long for 30 weeks, a half-hour-long live interactive real-time teaching lecture two days a week, and help if needed during the week with a qualified teacher.

Tuition for 4th and 5th-grade classes is $290.00 until the first day of class.

A discount of $20.00 --  if paid in full by May 31st.

Pre-Pre-Algebra (6/7) meets 45 minutes two times a week for 30 weeks.  This is a live, interactive, real-time teaching lecture, and help, if needed, during the week with a qualified teacher. Tuition for Pre-Pre-algebra is $445 until the first day of class. 

A discount of $35.00 --  if paid in full by May 31st.

*A late charge of $25 will be added to any student starting after the first day of class.


IEW prices for SSS 2B and Medieval ---- $379

FixIt Classes - $199


Discounts are available for 2+ children attending live classes in the same household. Payment plans are available upon request.

Self-Paced Courses

Price - $385

We are pleased to offer self-paced courses in Pre-Algebra through Algebra 2. As an introductory offer, the first unit is available free of charge. Additionally, a dedicated teacher will be available to regularly meet with your child, providing invaluable guidance and support as they progress through the coursework, including addressing any potential homework-related challenges.  

**All curricula for the high school math classes(Pre-Algebra and higher), including quizzes and tests, are included in the above prices.  All materials are on the computer in the classroom. 

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