Book Club
This class will begin on Wednesday, August 26th, from 2 PM to 3:15 PM EST and will end on Wednesday, May 5th.
Course Length
This course is a two-semester class that runs for 28 weeks
The books for this class should be in your local library. We will be discussing 4 to 6 books. The possible titles are Matilda Bone, The King's Shadow, Son of Charlemagne, Crispin and the Cross of Lead, The Door in the Wall, and Kingdom Series Book by Chuch Black.

Join Us
Please join us for a live, interactive Book Club taught by Dixie Sandlin. Many children love to read. Yet, they often read passively and miss what is most important in the writing. This course is designed to help children identify themes in literature and think deeply about those themes through conversation and careful, attentive reading. Students will bring their thoughts and ideas to the table each week. In addition, they will delve more deeply into the Medieval world, helping them to learn history all while having fun.
Students do not have to be registered for the Medieval class to enroll in this class.
To help young students read more carefully, learn to make notes on the reading, help them identify themes and other parts of writing, and help them form a cohesive thesis based solely on primary source readings.
Grades will be based solely on participation and effort.
Each week, suggestions for crafts, games, projects, or recipes will be given. These are strictly for fun and for students to delve more deeply into the world they are reading about.
Each week, students should complete the assigned reading before class. They should keep a reading journal (see next paragraph for further explanation). I will provide a weekly worksheet to help guide them in this process. Each week, the student should complete the comprehension and thought question sheets before class and feel prepared to share answers in class. Each week, they will work on a sheet to help them develop their ideas into a persuasive paragraph. We will go step by step. I will provide a worksheet and explain it in class each week.
Reading Journal: The reading journal is not for grading but is a skill that will benefit each student if done well. It is for the student, so it is not required, but highly recommended. A journal sheet will be uploaded each week to help guide the student. There will be a place to date the entry, record the pages read, and identify key characters, settings, and events for that day’s reading. There will be a second section for them to write down anything they found interesting about the week’s reading. There will be an additional place to record actual quotes that they love or find special. Quotes should be recorded with the page number and paragraph for easy referencing when they are included. This section is extra. It is not required for successful journaling. The class will be easy and go smoothly if this is done with each reading. A weekly template will be given as a printable PDF, and copies can be made if needed. If your child prefers to type, an online journal is perfectly acceptable.
Technical Requirements
A computer with high-speed internet with a headset, working camera, and microphone.
Assignments are turned in via Canvas.
Parent Responsibilities
Parents are the primary educators. My goal is to come alongside you to teach writing concepts, grammar presented in the book, and explain stylistic techniques while you provide the quiet
learning environment, keep your students on task during class time, review lessons, edit, and
ensure that coursework is properly completed and submitted.
Suggested Reading
We will attempt to complete 4 to 6 books.
Matilda Bone
The King’s Shadow
Son of Charlemagne
Crispin and the Cross of Lead
The Door in the Wall
Kingdom series book by Chuck Black
Many of the titles are suggested reading for the Medieval History IEW class. It is not required to join the Medieval History IEW class to join the Book Club.