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IEW Medieval History - Based Writing

This class will begin on Monday, August 26th, from 12 PM to 1:15 PM EST and will end Monday, May 5th.

Course Length

This course is a two-semester class that runs for 28 weeks



Each student is required to purchase a copy of the student book.

Taught By Joann Johnson

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Join Us

Please join us for a live, interactive writing class taught by Joann Johnson. Students receive clear, consistent writing instruction with live classes and grading. Each class can be used for a full writing credit. Your student will have a live class each week and assignments. The live class will be recorded if students miss class and are available for one week. Although the students will be writing about Medieval History topics, this is not a complete history course.


These classes are taught using methodology by The Institute for Excellence in Writing ( by a teacher certified to teach with this method.

Read about Joann Johnson ( Students receive personalized feedback and a grade for every assignment.


Medieval History- Based Writing is a level B IEW course recommended for beginning writers, those new to IEW, or those with IEW experience in 6th-10th grade. Students are encouraged to actively participate by answering questions and presenting stories via microphone and webcam. They will see and hear each other as they learn, which provides a classroom feel. Students learn how to take notes, write from their notes, and add their own style.


No previous writing experience is necessary for this class. While assignments are to be typed using Google docs by the student, parental assistance is acceptable but do not change their words!

Technical Requirements

A computer with high-speed internet with a headset, working camera, and microphone.

Assignments are turned in via Canvas.

Parent Responsibilities

Parents are the primary educators. My goal is to come alongside you to teach writing concepts, grammar presented in the book, and explain stylistic techniques while you provide the quiet

learning environment, keep your students on task during class time, review lessons, edit, and

ensure that coursework is properly completed and submitted.


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IEW is the award-winning Structure and Style Method for teaching writing. IEW helps children

succeed in communicating confidently and effectively. Rather than facing a writing prompt with

the dreaded “blank page,” students are taught nine structural writing models with style in each

assignment. Students will develop confidence in writing while working towards independence

and creativity. The IEW methods can be applied to other assignments, too. When students write

consistently, they become confident and competent.


As an experienced IEW Certified Instructor and an Online Instructor, you can trust that I will

teach the Structure and Style method with integrity.

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